Domas Bajerūnas1, Kotryna Mockaitytė1, Andrius Pranculis2
1 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Academy of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kaunas,Lithuania
2 Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno Klinikos, Department of Interventional Radiology, Kaunas, Lithuania
Cases of symptomatic v. mesenterica sup. (VMS) occlusion is rare. Patients usually complain of abdominal pain and present gastrointestinal bleeding. Occlusion can cause v. portae thrombosis and even lead to congestive bowel infarc- tion [1,2]. We present a case of 49-year-old man, who complained about recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding throughout the period of two years and was finally treated with revascularisation of VMS at the Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (HLUHS) Kauno klinikos.
Keywords: V. mesenterica sup. Angioplasty, v. mesenterica sup. Occlusion.