Aurika Vanckavičienė, Reda Navickienė, Ingrida Viliušienė, Zita Sakalauskienė
Background: Job satisfaction has become an important issue for healthcare organizations in recent years, because of potential labor shortages, their effect on patient care. Job satisfaction has a great influence in healthcare specialist retention and the delivery of high quality care. Rapid changes in of radiology services have placed more interest on radiographer’s who will face not only all peculiarities of healthcare specialists’ work, but also an increased physical risk, especially exposure to ionizing radiation, which highlights the importance of analyzing various aspects of these specialists’ working conditions and job satisfaction. Purpose: To evaluate radiographers’ job satisfaction. Materials and methods: The study was conducted using an original P. E. Spector’s (1994) Job Satisfaction Survey. The instrument consists of the following subscales: Pay, Promotion, Supervision, Fringe Benefits, Contingent Rewards, Operating Procedures, Coworkers, Nature of Work, and Communication. The score of each subscale ranged from 4 to 24 points, and the total score – from 36 to 216 points. A greater score indicates greater job satisfaction. The study involved in all 127 respondents. Results: The majority of the studied radiographers demonstrated moderate job satisfaction – the total job satisfaction score was 123.51±16.4 points. The highest job satisfaction scores were observed in the Communication (20.8±3.8 points), Nature of Work (18.1±3.9), and Supervision (16.5±4.1 points) subscales, and the lowest – in the Pay subscale (7.7±3.9 points). Other causes of poor job satisfaction included an unclear system of Contingent Rewards (10.2±4.3 points) and Operating Procedures (10.4±3.8 points). Participants younger than 26 years of age were more satisfied with their work, compared to their older colleagues (p<0.05), and widows were more dissatisfied than singles (p<0.05). The study showed that greater work experience negatively affected radiographers’ job satisfaction (p<0.05). Conclusions: The concept of job satisfaction is associated with employees’ attitudes, emotions, feelings, and the satisfaction of their needs at work. The studied radiographers’ overall job satisfaction was moderate. The radiographers’ greatest job satisfaction was associated with communication, nature of work, and supervision, and the poorest – with pay, an unclear system of contingent rewards, and current operating procedures. The highest job satisfaction scores were observed in younger singles with higher education. Job satisfaction dropped with increasing work experience. Keywords: radiographer, job satisfaction, survey