home Uncategorized Review form Review form By admin Posted in Uncategorized Posted on December 9, 2020 Paper review formFull title of paper *Comment *Original workMinor extension of old technique or existing knowledgeLittle or no originalityReview paperSubject matter *Within the scope of the journalNot appropriate for the journalRevision requiredReadability of English *Easy to understandDifficult to understand and improvements are neededUnreadable and should be rewrittenIs the title clear and adequate? *DetailsYesNoIs the Aim adequate? *Yes.No.Is the abstract adequate? *YesNoAre the conclusions adequate? *YesNoAre statistics within the scope? *YesNoAre the references adequate? *YesNoAre the illustrations of good quality? *YesNoNo illustrations were used.Are the Graphics of good quality? *YesNoDoes results corresponds to aims *Overall Rating *UnacceptableBelow AverageAverageGoodExcellentNote to Author(s) Confidential Record to Chief Editor only Information on this page will not be conveyed to the author(s).Recommendations *Acceptable in present form.Acceptable if suggested revisions are made and re-review is not required.Acceptable only if suggested revisions are made and re-review is required.Unacceptable. Reasons for objections are attached.Reviewer’s Name : *Telephone No: *Email : * VerificationPlease enter any two digitsExample: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: