Tomas Jurevičius, Deividas Mikalauskas, Algidas Basevičius, Vaida Atstupėnaitė
Medical Academy, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Department of Radiology
Objective. To evaluate prevalence rate of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) syndrome in CT imaging research carried out in e Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kauno klinikos Department of Radiology.
Materials and methods. Evaluation of 330 patients of abdomen CTs. Advantage Workstation 4.2P (GE HealthCare) was used for multiplanar reconstruction. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS v. 23.0.
Results and conclusions. Superior mesenteric artery syndrome risk factors were identi ed: small aortomesenteric an- gle and decreased aortomesenteric distance with prevalence of 18,2% and 14,3% of cases, respectively. At least one risk factor was prevalent in 25,6%, both in 6,7% of patients. Low origin of SMA was observed in 6,7% cases. Compression of the le renal vein between the SMA and aorta in 24,0% cases: 7,0% of them had radiology signs compatible with Nut- cracker syndrome. Identi ed lower than 10 mm cut-o value with 73% sensitivity and 81% speci city of the distance between SMA and abdominal aorta at the level of le renal vein.
Keywords: vascular compression syndrome, superior mesenteric artery, le renal vein